Do you have a lot of medical bills that you pay on each month? Could those medical bills be deducted from your tax bill this year? I was helping my mother take care of all of her finances after my dad passed away. I didn't realize how many bills she had coming in each month for medical treatments that my dad had undergone months, even a year earlier. I started doing some research about medical bills and tax deductions. If you have medical bills, take a minute to read through this blog to gain some knowledge that can help you decide what you can do when tax time comes around.
If you want to be wealthy in your later years, you need to get a head start right now. You need to make sure that you are making smart financial choices in your early adulthood so when you reach mid and late adulthood, you have the resources to do what you want with your life.
#1 Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
The first thing that you need to do is stop living paycheck to paycheck. Start by changing your money habits. If your housing is taking up all of your paycheck, move somewhere cheaper, get roommates, or find a way to reduce your heating costs. If your car is costing you too much, purchase a cheaper car or switch to public transportation. If your food bills are too high, make your own food and cook simpler, more cost-effective foods like pasta and rice dishes. Find a way to cut back your spending so that you are not living paycheck to paycheck.
#2 Start Making More Money
Do not just think that you will make more money in the future. Make a plan to increase your income. If you need further education, plan how to get that education. If you need more experience, figure out how to get it. Start making a plan on how you can move up in your career or switch careers. Figure out a plan for increasing your income over time; don't just depend on your income getting bigger over time.
#3 Start Savings for Retirement
If you have the ability to contribute to retirement pension plans, start contributing as soon as possible, especially if your employer offers a matching option. Saving even a few hundred or thousands of dollars a year when you are in your 20s and 30s will incur so much interest, it is worth it. You can never make up for skipping out on saving for your retirement in your 20s and 30s, so make sure that you are contributing to some type of retirement fund, even if it is not that big.
#4 Start Saving Up Cash
If you have ever felt the stress of not having enough money to pay for an unexpected expense, you know the importance of having savings. As soon as you get paid, transfer money into your savings account or take it out and start a cash savings if that works better for you. Even if you are only saving $20 a week, you have to start somewhere. Increase the amount you save over time so that you continue to build up those savings.
If you want to have savings and money later in your life, you need to stop living paycheck to paycheck. You need to have a plan to advance your career. Contribute to your retirement account and start saving up cash now; this will benefit you greatly later in life.