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medical bills and taxes - can you deduct them?

Do you have a lot of medical bills that you pay on each month? Could those medical bills be deducted from your tax bill this year? I was helping my mother take care of all of her finances after my dad passed away. I didn't realize how many bills she had coming in each month for medical treatments that my dad had undergone months, even a year earlier. I started doing some research about medical bills and tax deductions. If you have medical bills, take a minute to read through this blog to gain some knowledge that can help you decide what you can do when tax time comes around.


medical bills and taxes - can you deduct them?

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    If you're looking for additional retirement investing opportunities and you have a large chunk of cash that you can invest all at once, an annuity might be the product you're looking for. Give that money to an insurance company and get checks every month in return; sounds nice, doesn't it? Depending on the type of annuity you choose, you could be adding a stable source of income to your life -- or you could be tying up money and getting very little in return.

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    Becoming A Landlord? Don't Miss These 6 Tax Deductions

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    Like many new business ventures, the process of buying, renovating and selling a house for profit -- so-called "flipping" a home -- is both exciting and fraught with potential pitfalls. If you're looking to get into the flipping business, it's important to understand the taxes involved so that you ensure your best profit. Here is a quick primer on home flipping tax treatment.  Business or Investment There are two major questions that determine how your profit from home flipping is taxed.

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    3 Signs Your Small Business Is Ready To Hire An Accountant

    If you're the owner of a small business and have been wearing all of the hats involved in running said business, you may be reluctant to give up control to an outside individual. There comes a time, however, when your business could benefit from the hiring of an accountant. Below are three signs that your business needs an accountant and how that accountant can help you. 1. You're Spending More Time "